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Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis

There are things you can do to try and improve your well being and decrease the pain you may feel due to Arthritis. Staying active can help you to avoid stiffness in your joints and can also be a morale booster. Being out in the fresh air and underneath the warmth of the sun can provide many benefits for those who have Arthritis.

sunny day-activities for arthritis

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis in a handArthritis is a condition that tends to affect those who are part of the older generation this is often due to the natural wear and tear of material within joints. It does affect all ages and often impacts those who have been incredibly active throughout their childhood. Injury or infection can also increase your chance of Arthritis. Having said that, you should still exercise but do so on a flat, low impact ground that can absorb some of the force through the joints and help out to avoid falls. This can mean that the protective tissue within the joints has been worn away. It is beneficial to help decrease your risk of Arthritis and there are also certain activities you can do to relieve symptoms related to Arthritis.

Why is sunshine helpful to people with Arthritis?

Getting plenty of sunshine has been linked to a decreased risk of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. This long-term condition affects the joints and often causes pain, swelling and stiffness. Sunshine helps the body to synthesise Vitamin D. Vitamin D keeps bones healthy and the autoimmune system working. The autoimmune system is responsible for fighting off infections/­diseases. Sunshine for those who have Psoriatic Arthritis, they often see the clearing of patchy red skin associated with this condition. Psoriatic Arthritis affects some of those who have Psoriasis, which is a condition affected by the immune system. It is thought to be triggered by unusual immune responses and a sign of Psoriasis is red patches of skin near the affected joints.

Activities for people with Arthritis

There are all sorts of activities you can do in the sun. For people with Arthritis, it is important to keep in mind that pain may be experienced through some exercises, so it is essential to start slowly and get to know your bodies' limitations. You do not want to cause yourself further pain. Tenura has researched and found that the following activities reduce the risk of Arthritis and help improve the lives of those who have the condition.


Family on a walk in the sunWalking is an activity that can involve friends and family. You can visit new places and soak up the sunshine and fresh air. Walking is a great activity for people who have Arthritis, being sat still can cause the joint to stiffen up. Keeping muscles and tissue in the joints warm and limber and can allow the person to move easily without as much pain.

To make sure this is enjoyable and safe, you must wear trainers that fit and provide support for your ankle joints. A flat smooth surface such as a public footpath can also offer you more control over your movements and can help to avoid any accidental injury that could be caused. A walking stick or other daily living aids could be used to help you access more routes and offer an extra level of comfort and confidence. If you pair a walking aid with Tenura anti slip grip strips around the handle, additional comfort and support is offered and the handle will also have non slip properties.


Old couple doing yoga in the sunYoga is adaptable to each individual. As the body becomes comfortable with the movements, the person becomes more flexible and can gain a connection between the mind and the body. Yoga holds this connection at its core and it is said to help relieve and find the source of pain. It can also help you find ways to deal with the pain. The slow and calm breathing can be a source of pain relief and is a useful technique, according to Dr. Kolasinski, a Rheumatologist at the University of Pennsylvania. To make this a safe activity make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing, including trainers that offer ankle support. You may also want to invest in knee and elbow bands/braces that provide support too.

To reap the most benefits from yoga, you should focus on a mixture of muscle-strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises and balance exercises.

Family cycling in the sunCycling

Cycling is an accessible activity for people with Arthritis as less strain is put through the joints due to the mechanical structure of a bike. These kinds of low impact activities are perfect for active people with musculoskeletal conditionals.

Arthritis Aids

Explore the range of Tenura daily living aids to find products that can help you complete exercises with more stability and confidence. Many of the daily living aids can have a positive impact on your life and be a great Arthritis aid.