Tenura | Anti-slip and grip for independent living

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Independent Living

Life Hacks For Independent Living

Living independently is a goal for many, but it often comes with challenges, especially for individuals with disabilities or limited mobility. Fortunately, there are simple yet effective life hacks and tools available to help make daily tasks more manageable. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical tips and strategies for achieving greater independence in various aspects of life, with a focus on the invaluable contributions of Tenura products.

Kitchen Life Hacks

In the kitchen, where many daily tasks take place, Tenura products can provide essential support. Opening jars and bottles can be a difficult task for some, but with Tenura's jar openers, this task becomes effortless. These grippy tools make quick work of stubborn lids, allowing you to access your favourite foods and beverages without assistance. Additionally, non-slip mats are game changers, securing cutting boards, mixing bowls, and other items to prevent slips and spills while cooking or preparing meals.

Cutlery & Mealtime Hacks

Having a firm grip on everyday objects is crucial for maintaining independence and confidence. Tenura's silicone grip strips are perfect for adding extra traction to handles, utensils, and tools. Whether you're holding a pen, a fork, or a pair of scissors, these grippy strips provide a firm grasp, giving you greater control and confidence in your movements. Doorknob grips are another handy solution, making it easier to open doors for individuals with limited hand strength or dexterity.

Bathroom Hacks

In the bathroom, where slippery surfaces pose a significant hazard, Tenura products can help improve safety and stability. Non-slip bath and shower stickers are essential for preventing slips and falls. By placing them inside your bathtub or shower stall, you create a secure footing, reducing the risk of accidents. Additionally, Tenura's anti-slip grip strips can be applied to grab bars, towel racks, and other fixtures to enhance stability and safety.

Everyday Life Hacks

For individuals who use mobility aids such as walkers, canes, or wheelchairs, Tenura products offer customisable solutions to improve comfort and usability. Non-slip grip rolls can be wrapped around handles and grips to improve traction and reduce strain while moving about. Meanwhile, non-slip coasters can prevent cups, mugs, and other items from sliding off trays or tables attached to mobility aids.

Parenting Life Hacks

Tenura understands the importance of catering to all ages and needs, which is why we offer specialised products for children as well. Our children's cutlery grips are designed to improve fine motor skills and make mealtime more enjoyable and manageable for young ones. Made from non-toxic materials, they ensure safety with every use. Additionally, our children's non-slip table mats provide a safe and stable surface for playtime activities or mealtime adventures. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that our products are not only effective but also safe for their children to use.

How Can Daily Living Aid Products Improve Your Everyday Life?

Daily living aid products can significantly improve your day-to-day life by enhancing accessibility, safety, and convenience in various activities. These products are specifically designed to assist individuals with disabilities, limited mobility, or other challenges in performing everyday tasks more easily and independently. For example, non-slip mats and grips can prevent slips and falls in the kitchen and bathroom, while jar openers and grip strips make it easier to handle objects with reduced hand strength or dexterity. By incorporating daily living aid products into your routine, you can enjoy greater autonomy, confidence, and comfort in your daily activities.

Achieving independence is a journey, but with the right tools and strategies, it's within reach for everyone. By incorporating Tenura products into your daily routine, you can overcome obstacles, stay safe, and enjoy greater freedom and confidence in your ability to live life on your own terms.

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Improving Rehabilitation with Tenura’s Products.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation play a crucial role in enhancing the lives of individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or managing chronic conditions. Occupational therapists and healthcare professionals often seek innovative and effective solutions to support their patient's recovery journey. In this blog, we'll explore how Tenura's range of anti-slip and grip products can be valuable tools for physical therapists and their patients, promoting safety, mobility, and independence during rehabilitation.

Tenura Grip Rolls

Secure Support for Therapeutic Exercises Tenura's grip rolls offer a versatile solution for physical therapists. These non-slip rolls can be cut to custom lengths and used to stabilise exercise equipment, therapy mats, and seating surfaces. By providing a secure grip, grip rolls enable patients to focus on their therapeutic exercises without worrying about slips or instability. Whether used under yoga mats during balance exercises or beneath resistance bands for strength training, grip rolls offer reliable support for targeted workouts.

Non-Slip Floor Mats

Fall Prevention and Gait Training For patients working on gait training or mobility exercises, non-slip floor mats are essential. Tenura's anti-slip floor mats provide a stable surface reducing the risk of falls during therapy sessions. These mats are particularly beneficial for individuals relearning how to walk or transitioning from a wheelchair to walking. Occupational therapists can incorporate these mats into exercises that challenge balance and coordination, fostering greater confidence in patients' mobility.

Tenura Jar & Bottle Openers

Regaining Independence in Daily Living Occupational therapists often work with patients to improve their activities of daily living (ADLs). Tenura jar and bottle openers can be valuable tools in this process, aiding patients with weak grip strength or limited hand mobility. These openers provide a firm grip on lids and caps, making it easier for patients to open containers and bottles independently. Empowering patients to perform everyday tasks can boost their self-esteem and enhance their overall well-being.

Non-Slip Bath & Shower Stickers

Promoting Safety and Confidence Safety is a top priority during rehabilitation, especially in the bathroom. Tenura's non-slip bath and shower stickers offer a practical solution for preventing slips in wet and slippery environments. Occupational therapists can recommend these stickers to patients, allowing them to shower and bathe with increased confidence. Enhanced bathroom safety can alleviate anxiety and encourage patients to maintain their personal hygiene routines without fear of accidents.

Tenura Grip Strips for Mobility Aids

Secure and Steady Support Many patients rely on mobility aids such as canes, walkers, and wheelchairs during their recovery process. Tenura grip strips can be applied to these aids to enhance grip and stability. The non-slip surface helps prevent the mobility aid from slipping on smooth or uneven surfaces, enabling patients to move around more confidently. For individuals transitioning from using assistive devices to walking independently, these grip strips can facilitate a smoother journey towards increased mobility.

Tenura's range of anti-slip products offers valuable support to occupational therapists and their patients during physical therapy and rehabilitation. From grip rolls for therapeutic exercises to non-slip floor mats for fall prevention, Tenura equips therapists with versatile tools to enhance patient safety and independence. By incorporating Tenura products into rehabilitation programs, therapists can create a secure and empowering environment that fosters patients' recovery and mobility.

If you're an occupational therapist or healthcare professional, consider adding Tenura products to your toolkit to provide comprehensive support and care for your patients. Together, we can promote safer and more successful rehabilitation journeys, improving the lives of those on the path to recovery.

How to Choose a Pet That is Suitable for the Disabled

Choosing a pet can be a joyful and rewarding experience for anyone, but for individuals with disabilities, the process requires extra consideration. It's essential to select a pet that not only brings companionship and joy but also suits the specific needs and abilities of the disabled person. In this guide, we'll explore some key factors to keep in mind when choosing a pet for a disabled individual, along while discussing the best pets for disabled.

1. Consider the Physical Abilities of the Individual November Blog 1

The first and most crucial step in choosing a pet for a disabled individual is to assess their physical abilities. Different disabilities have varying impacts on mobility and strength. For someone with limited mobility, a small and low-maintenance companion like a cat or a small dog may be a suitable choice. In contrast, individuals with more mobility may be able to care for larger dogs, which can offer both companionship and assistance.

2. Allergies and Sensitivities

People with disabilities might have allergies or sensitivities that can be triggered by pet dander, fur, or feathers. It's vital to consider these factors when choosing a pet. Hypoallergenic breeds or non-allergenic animals like reptiles and fish may be more appropriate for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues.

3. Energy Levels

The energy level of the pet should match the energy levels and abilities of the disabled person. High-energy dogs may be too demanding for someone with limited mobility. In such cases, consider lower-energy dog breeds or cats. Turtles, tortoises, or certain bird species can also be great options for people with a more laid-back lifestyle.

4. Training and Temperament

When choosing a pet for someone with a disability, it's important to consider the pet's temperament and its training requirements. Well-behaved, easy-to-train pets are often a better fit. Look for pets that are known for their gentle and patient nature, as these characteristics can make the pet-owner relationship more enjoyable and less stressful.

8. Financial Considerations

Owning a pet comes with financial respon­sibi­lities. It's important to consider the cost of food, veterinary care, grooming, and other pet-related expenses. Make sure that the individual or their support network can handle these costs comfortably. Although some health service providers can provide guide dogs which can assist you in areas of your disability.

6. Maintenance and Care

Consider the level of care and maintenance that the chosen pet will require. Disabled individuals might have varying levels of ability to care for their pets independently. Assess whether the individual can groom, feed, and clean up after the pet. If assistance is required, make sure there is a support system in place, with the Tenura product range we can help improve the maintenance for you and your companions with our range of daily living aids!

7. Housing and Space

Take into account the living situation of the disabled individual. Do they live in an apartment, a house, or a care facility? The available space will influence the choice of a pet. Smaller living spaces may be more suitable for cats, small dogs, or small mammals, whereas larger spaces can accommodate bigger dogs or even livestock in some cases.

8. Assistance Animals

Some disabled individuals require assistance animals to help with daily tasks. Service dogs, for instance, can be trained to perform tasks like fetching dropped items, opening doors, or providing emotional support. Ensure that you consult with a reputable service animal organisation to select and train a service dog that meets the specific needs of the disabled person.

November Blog 2

What Animals Can Be Used to Help The Disabled?

Cats and dogs are the most common animals used to assist people with disabilities. Dogs are highly versatile and can be trained to aid those with various disabilities, such as visual impairments, mobility challenges, and medical conditions like epilepsy or diabetes. Service dogs provide essential support by guiding their owners, retrieving items, and even alerting them to impending medical emergencies. Cats, although less commonly known as service animals, can offer valuable emotional support to individuals with disabilities. Their calming presence, companionship, and intuitive understanding of their owners' needs can be incredibly comforting. While dogs take on more active roles in assistance, cats excel in providing solace and emotional stability, making them essential companions for those with disabilities.

Can Animals Sense Disability?

Animals have a remarkable ability to sense disabilities in humans. Their acute senses and intuition enable them to detect physical and emotional changes in individuals. Many heartwarming stories and scientific studies have highlighted the incredible bond between animals and people with disabilities. Whether it's a service dog assisting someone with mobility challenges or a pet offering emotional support, these companions have an uncanny ability to understand and provide comfort to those in need. This unique connection between animals and individuals with disabilities is a testament to the profound sensitivity and empathy that our animal friends possess.

What Is The Best Dog Breed for Someone With a Disability?

When it comes to dog breeds for people with disabilities, several factors come into play. For individuals with mobility challenges, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds are often recommended as they are not only intelligent but also known for their gentle and helpful nature. However, the best dog breed ultimately depends on the specific needs and lifestyle of the disabled person. It's crucial to consult with a professional dog trainer or service dog organisation to make the right choice.

Choosing a pet for a disabled individual involves thoughtful consideration of their unique needs and abilities. The right pet can provide companionship, emotional support, and even assistance with daily tasks. By taking into account factors such as the individual's physical abilities, allergies, energy levels, temperament, and living situation, you can make a well-informed choice that will bring joy and fulfilment to both the person with a disability and their new furry or scaly friend. Learn more about animal therapy by reading our other blog.

If you're in need of daily living aids for a disabled individual, Tenura offers a range of high-quality products to improve daily life. To explore our offerings, please visit Tenura’s website.

Remember, the most crucial aspect of choosing a pet for someone with a disability is ensuring that the pet enhances their life, provides companionship, and supports their specific needs. Always consider the individual's comfort, safety, and happiness when making this important decision.

The Different Types of Jar Openers on the Market

Opening a stubborn jar can be a daily frustration for many, turning a simple task into an ordeal, especially for those who rely on disability aids. Whether it's a jar of pickles, pasta sauce, or any tightly sealed container, the struggle to gain access is real. Fortunately, there are various types of jar openers on the market designed to alleviate this common annoyance. In this article, we'll delve into the different types of disability aids, particularly jar openers, and shine a spotlight on Tenura's silicone jar openers as the ultimate solution.

Types of Jar Openers:  pexels-baryslau-shoot-15209694 (1)

Manual Jar Openers

Manual jar openers are the traditional go-to for many who use disability aids. They usually consist of a handheld device with adjustable teeth that grip the lid. While these openers can be effective, they require a fair amount of physical effort, which can pose a challenge for those with limited hand strength or dexterity, making disability aids like Tenura's jar openers a preferable choice.

Electric Jar Openers

Electric jar openers represent a significant leap in automation and are highly regarded as disability aids. These devices automatically twist the lid open with the push of a button. While they are convenient, they tend to be bulky and can be costly, making Tenura's silicone jar openers an accessible alternative.

Grip Mats

Grip mats are non-slip pads that can be placed under a jar to prevent it from moving while you twist the lid. While they can be effective for smaller jars, they may not provide sufficient leverage for stubborn or larger lids, making Tenura's jar openers, designed as disability aids, a more comprehensive solution.

Silicone Jar Openers by Tenura - A Versatile Disability Aid:

Now, let's focus on Tenura's silicone jar openers, a game-changer in the world of kitchen disability aids. These openers are not just another gadget; they are a testament to simplicity, effectiveness, and accessibility for those who rely on disability aids.

Tenura's silicone jar openers are crafted from high-quality, food-grade silicone. What sets them apart is their remarkable non-slip properties. The silicone material grips tightly to both the jar lid and your hand, providing the necessary traction to effortlessly twist the lid open. This feature is particularly advantageous for those with limited hand strength due to aging, arthritis, or other disabilities, making Tenura's jar openers a reliable choice among disability aids.

Versatile Applications Beyond Jars:

Tenura's silicone jar openers, renowned for their effectiveness in opening stubborn jar lids, offer versatile applications throughout daily life. These non-slip wonders can enhance independence by providing a secure grip on various surfaces. Use them on taps and faucets, making water control easier; wrap them around door knobs for improved accessibility; open medication bottles with ease; loosen tight caps on household items; secure cookware and utensil handles; and even enhance grip on exercise equipment during therapy or workouts. Tenura's silicone jar openers are more than just kitchen aids; they're versatile companions for conquering daily challenges and promoting self-reliance in various aspects of life.

Independence for the Elderly and Disabled Individuals:

Maintaining an independent lifestyle is a cherished goal, especially as we age or face mobility challenges due to disabilities. Simple tasks like opening a jar can become major obstacles. Tenura's silicone jar openers empower the elderly and disabled individuals to conquer these challenges and continue enjoying the autonomy they desire. With the non-slip grip, they can confidently open jars without assistance, preserving their self-reliance and dignity through the use of disability aids.

A Boon for Arthritis Sufferers and Occupational Therapists:

Arthritis can make everyday tasks painful and frustrating. The grip and twist required to open jars can exacerbate joint pain. Tenura's silicone jar openers offer a gentle yet secure grip, reducing the strain on arthritic hands. They are a welcome relief for individuals battling this condition or those undergoing occupational therapy, making it easier to access essential foods and maintain a balanced diet, thanks to these disability aids.

What is the Best Jar Opener for Seniors and Disabled Individuals?

Tenura's silicone jar openers have earned acclaim as the best disability aids for seniors and disabled individuals. Their non-slip grip and user-friendly design make them an ideal choice for those with limited hand strength, dexterity, or mobility issues. These openers provide a newfound sense of independence and convenience, allowing seniors to maintain their autonomy and making daily tasks much easier for disabled individuals who rely on disability aids.

In conclusion, the frustration of wrestling with a stubborn jar lid is a universal experience, especially for those who need disability aids. However, it doesn't have to be a daily annoyance. Tenura's silicone jar openers offer a simple, affordable, and effective solution as disability aids. They benefit the elderly and disabled individuals by promoting independence, providing relief for arthritis sufferers, and serving as a valuable resource for occupational therapists. With Tenura, the lid to convenience is always within reach, making these jar openers an essential part of disability aids. Say goodbye to jar-opening woes and hello to hassle-free access to your favourite treats.

What is the Best Straw to Use with Tenura CupCaps

As sustainability becomes an increasingly vital consideration, the demand for reusable straws has grown significantly. In this blog post, we will discuss reusable straws and explore the best options to pair with the Tenura CupCap our drinking aid. The CupCap, a versatile and reliable spill-proof lid, can greatly benefit from the right straw choice. So, let's dive in and discover which reusable straw will enhance your Tenura CupCap experience.


Rainbow Paper Straws for Tenura CupCaps-2

Stainless Steel Straws:

Stainless steel straws are a top choice for many eco-conscious individuals. They offer durability, ease of cleaning, and can withstand both hot and cold beverages. With the Tenura CupCap, a stainless steel straw complements its robust design, ensuring a reliable sipping experience every time. The sleek and modern appearance of stainless steel straws adds a touch of elegance to your drink. Additionally, stainless steel straws come in various sizes and shapes, such as straight or curved, allowing you to customise your sipping experience further.



Silicone Straws:

Silicone straws are an excellent option if you prioritise flexibility and safety. Their soft and flexible nature makes them ideal for use with the Tenura CupCap, as they can easily manoeuvre around the lid's openings. Silicone straws are also suitable for both hot and cold beverages, ensuring versatility. The Tenura CupCap's spill-proof design combined with a silicone straw offers a reliable and mess-free drinking experience. Regularly cleaning and sterilising silicone straws will help maintain their hygiene and extend their lifespan.

Glass StrawsGlass Straws:

If you prefer an aesthetic and visually appealing option, glass straws might be the perfect fit for your Tenura CupCap. Glass straws offer a clear view of your drink, making your sipping experience visually pleasing. The transparency of glass straws allows you to see if they are completely clean and free from residue. With their non-toxic properties and ease of cleaning, glass straws provide a safe and eco-friendly alternative. Additionally, some glass straws come with decorative elements or artistic designs, adding a touch of sophistication to your drink.

Bamboo Straws:

For those seeking an organic and biodegradable option, bamboo straws are worth considering. Bamboo straws align perfectly with the sustainability ethos, offering a natural and eco-friendly choice. With their lightweight design, they complement the portable nature of the Tenura CupCap, making them convenient for on the go use. Bamboo straws also add a rustic and earthy charm to your drink. However, keep in mind that bamboo straws may absorb flavours over time and may require more frequent replacement compared to other types. Proper care and regular drying can help prolong the lifespan of bamboo straws.


When it comes to choosing the best straw to pair with your Tenura CupCap, silicone straws emerge as the superior option. The main reason for this being that silicone is anti-microbial, meaning bacteria doesn’t harbour onto the surface unlike other straw options. Offering unmatched flexibility and safety, silicone straws effortlessly navigate the lid's openings, ensuring a spill-proof and hassle-free drinking experience. They are suitable for both hot and cold beverages, providing versatility in use. While other options like stainless steel, glass, and bamboo straws have their merits, silicone straws excel in terms of functionality and ease of use with the Tenura CupCap drinking aid. By selecting silicone straws, you can enhance your drinking experience while actively reducing single-use plastic waste. Choose sustainability and enjoy your favorite beverages with the Tenura CupCap and silicone straws, making a positive impact on the environment, one sip at a time. 

Straws Graph Chart

As you can see in the table, only the silicone straw is fully suitable.

Posted in Daily Living Aids, Independent Living and tagged cupcaps, drinking aids, tenura, silicone, straws on .

Assistive Animals and Their Benefits for the Disabled

T-EG-2 Green Extreme Mat Used on Dog Food Tray with Dog-1Assistive animals are trained to provide for different needs and disabilities, and they can be a catalyst for patient success. These animals can help in various ways, such as:

  • Neurological Functioning
  • Sensory Support
  • Mobility
  • Therapy
  • Offer Comfort and Companionship

So, What Are the Different Roles of Assistive Animals?

In our lives, assistive animals can enrich many areas, especially for those with a disability or who need the comfort of an animal to maintain a healthy, independent lifestyle. Animals can offer help through their unique charac­te­ristics; for example, dogs have a fantastic sense of smell, whereas horses can be a docile, friendly riding partner. So what jobs do these animals take on?

  • Animals That Can Help the Disbaled - Supporting a Guy Paddle BoardingEmotonal Support Animals
  • Pschiatric Service Animals
  • Medical Detection Dogs
  • Disability-Assistance Animals
  • Guide Dogs
  • Autism Assistance Dogs
  • Assisted Psychotherapy Animals
  • Hearing Assistance Dogs

Assistive Animal, An Emotional Support Companion to Assit During Therapy

What do Emotional Support Animals do?

Animals can offer comfort in a way humans can’t. Animals don’t judge, and this quality lends itself to those seeking therapy/­counselling or who need an animal companion.


What is the Role of Psychiatric Service Animals?

Psychiatric Service Animals are trained to perform roles that the owner cannot complete or requires prompts to complete. For example, people with an anxiety disorder may have a Psychiatric Service Animal that can predict panic attacks, and it will be trained to give support to the owner pre-panic attack, by picking up on heat rate.

Assistive Animal, Medical Detection Dog at Hospital with Child

What is the Role of a Medical Detection Dog?

Medical detection dogs use their enhanced sense of smell to detect medication. Scientists are also looking into the use of these dogs to detect illnesses such as Cancer.

Disability Assistive Animal Helping Wheelchair User to the Disabled Bathroom


What do Disability-Assistance Animals do?

For a disabled person, activities of daily living can be a struggle and prevent a person from being independent. An assistance dog can be trained to help the owner carry out ADLs such as transferring, toileting and dressing.

Assistive Animal, Guide Dog Helping a Blind Man

What’s the Role of Guide Dogs?

Guide dogs, one we are all familiar with, are helpful to those who lack vision. They judge special awareness keeping the owner away from danger and guiding them to safety.


Assistive Animal, Autism Assistance Dog Helping an Autistic Girl

What Do Autism Assistance Dogs Do?

Autism assistance dogs are typically used for paediatric help as more research has been conducted on the positive effects of children and assistive dogs. However, as you may know, those with autism can have a more polite word for immature mentality, which could mean we see the use of assistance dogs in the days of autistic adults in the future.

Assistive Psychotherapy Animal Helping a Disabled BoyAssisted Psychotherapy Animals

Many types of animals can be used in animal-assisted therapy, ATT for short, which includes typical pets such as dogs, cats and guinea pigs but can include cows, birds and dolphins. Depending on the patient and animal, these therapy sessions may be conducted on a one-to-one basis or as a group.

Animal-assisted therapy comes in many forms and is an educational tool helping to learn to care for animals, caring for farm animals, grooming and pet health.Hearing Assistive Animal Guiding Deaf Man in Park

What Support Do Hearing Assistance Dogs Offer?

For people with a lack of hearing or completely deaf, a hearing assistance dog may be placed in their home. They are trained to distinguish the difference between doorbells, alarm clocks and smoke alarms.


Tenura Products to Help you Care for Your Pet

Animals are tricky to look after. They have many needs and are a costly expense. The clean-up after a pet is also a constant, but you can use Tenura products to help make life with a pet more effortless.

If you would like to explore Tenura Products to Help you Care for your pet you can via our blog. For example, placing food and water bowls on a Tenura Extreme mat can prevent them from sliding.

Let’s Get Physical this National Arthritis Week 2022

National Arthritis Week takes place from the 7th to the 10th of October. This year's theme is Let's Get Physical, which is pretty catchy thanks to the Oliva Newton-John song. Let's get physical, physical. The theme is to bring awareness to the importance of exercise for those with arthritis, and it's one of the well-known but underutilised treatments.

Why is Exercise Important for People with Arthritis?

Let’s Get Physical National Arthritis Week So Go Walking With Your GrandchildrenPain can become associated with particular movements. A person may avoid that motion, meaning that muscle isn't getting used and becomes weaker. This can lead to muscle weakness, and the muscle will need to work harder the next time the movement is repeated. Keeping the joints exercised keeps them in a healthy condition. It helps to prevent stiffness caused by immobility.

Being overweight is a factor in the chances of developing arthritis as you get older as it puts unnecessary strain on the joints. Exercise can help you become healthy and reduce the stress that excess weight puts on the joints.

What is the Best Exercise for Someone with Arthritis?

Let’s Get Physical National Arthritis Week So Do Low Impact Stretches Like This ManLow impact exercises and stretches are perfect for those with arthritis as they will avoid causing further damage to the joints and have a possible impact. Focus on the areas of your body affected by arthritis, and find some movements that can slowly increase your strength while also improving the joint's flexibility.

Tenura has recently released a blog that looks at some great hand exercises for arthritis you can do to improve mobility and reduce hand pain.

High-impact exercise could cause further damage and inflammation in already sore joints. Running wouldn't be a good exercise, but a walk or very light jog could be a good start. But it would help if you warmed up first.

How do I start Exercising with Arthritis?

Let’s Get Physical National Arthritis Week so Follow YouTube Exercise Tutorial Like Thsi CoupleFollowing a YouTube tutorial may be a good start, or you could find a local fitness class to ensure you get out and remain active. Be sure to tell the instructor of any health conditions you have so they can amend their class accordingly. By attending classes, you increase the chances of sticking to your daily exercises.

We have some more beginner ideas in our Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis blog, which you can read for further exercise tips.

Can Arthritis be Reversed with Exercise?

Arthritis can't be reversed by exercise is a treatment for arthritis as it can improve the flexibility in the joint, getting good blood flow to the area and reduce stiffness. Exercise can also be a good preventative measure. Being overweight puts a lot of excess strain on joints. Exercise can help you lose weight/maintain a healthy weight.

Does Inactivity Make Arthritis Worse?

Let’s Get Physical National Arthritis Week Dont Be Lazy Like This Lady On Couch It certainly can; immobility will cause the joints to seize up, and stiffness will set in. This stiffness can be painful. Therefore, you should make sure to stand up and stretch at least once an hour.

Bein inactive also leads to weakness in muscles and joints as well as weight gain, which can have detrimental effects on those with arthritis.


Tenura hopes you have found this blog helpful. We have also got a special discount code for you, NAW10 (10% discount). We hope you find some Tenura arthritis aids that can help you maintain an independent lifestyle.

Car Accessibility is Important & Tenura Living Aids Help

If you want to improve your mobility when in a vehicle, we have outlined some helpful Tenura products that be of great help. Things such as getting in and out of the car can be a pain so let's see if we can help with this issue.

Car Accessibility Tenura Floor Mat To Assit Getting Out of CarHelp Getting In and Out of a Car

Placing a Tenura non-slip floor mat in the footwell and, if required, one just outside of the door, on the floor, can help you get the foothold you need to exit the car safely. Tenura floor mats are anti-slip and reduce the risk of slips and falls.

Improve Car Seat Comfort

Use Tenura non-slip fabric under your car chair cushion so that it doesn't slip whilst you are on the move. If the cushion moves out of place, it could cause further discomfort for the passenger.

Car Accessibility Tenura Extreme Mat Used as a Phone Holder in a CarStop Loose Objects Sliding When You're on the Move

Things such as your medication, phone or a drink can slide around the car if you haven't secured them. They can distract the driver, so you should place your loose articles on a Tenura Extreme mat, which means you will have a visual aid, helping you remember where you put your belongings and improving the safety of the journey for all.

Get a Better Grip On Your Seatbelt

By wrapping Tenura silicone grip roll around your seatbelt, you can ensure a better grip. The silicone is grip-enhancing and soft, and it will allow you to grasp the seatbelt better. You can even build up the silicone to make the seatbelt wider and more comfortable to hold.

Car Accessibility Lining Your Car Boot with Tenura Non-Slip FabricLine Your Boot to Prevent

The stuff you store in your boot often isn't secured and therefore will move about whilst you travel. This movement can affect the car's motion; however, lining your car boot with Tenura anti-slip fabric can prevent this. Tenura anti-slip fabric will keep your belongings in place, making them easier to remove from the car when you've arrived.

Improve Grip on Car Door Handles

On the inside of the car door, you can wrap Tenura grip strips around the handles to add the soft silicone that's grip-enhancing. This will improve your grip on the handle and make it easier for you to exit the car safely.


We hope you have found some car aids that you can use to improve car travel safety. If you require more information about the products mentioned in the blog, follow the product page links or contact us via phone, email or the enquiry form at the top of the website.

The Different Types of Grip and How Tenura Products Can Help

When you see the different types of grip we use in daily lives, it can help you to create your own exercises to help you stretch and improve hand dexterity, so let's explore some of the typical grips:

  • Hammers Grip/­Cylindrical Grip

Holding a hammer, screwdriver, golf clubs, and wheelbarrow handles

  • Precision Grip

Holding thin items like a needle or thread

  • Hook Grip

Carrying a bucket or pulling a suitcase

  • Pinch Grip

Holding a coin, flipping it over to view each side

  • Lumbrical Grip

Holding a plate or tray flat on your hand

  • Tip-to-Tip Grip

Picking up small items like crumbs, coins or pins

  • Spherical Grip

Opening and closing jars

Products to Help you Complete Tasks that Require Grip

We are happy that you are taking time to read this blog to gather some helpful information on grip strength and how it can improve your life in daily tasks. We thought we would round up some products that can benefit those who need to improve grip strength.

T-CG-1-Cutlery-Grips-Fork-Salad-2Tenura Cutlery Grips

Cutlery handles are thin and can be tricky to grasp if you lack grip strength or dexterity in your hands. So, sliding on Tenura cutlery grips on utensils increases handle size, allowing you to grasp a more comfortable wider handle. You can use Tenura cutlery grips to improve your grip on many items around the home, including toothbrushes, hair combs, pens and pencils. This means you can now brush your teeth and hair with comfort as well as write and draw.

T-B-3-Yellow-Bottle-Opener-Appletiser-2Tenura Jar Openers and Bottle Openers

These two products can help in a myriad of ways, from the primary function, opening bottles and jars, to helping you twist taps on and off and getting a good grip on smooth door and cupboard knobs. Tenura jar and bottle openers help with tasks that require your spherical grip.

T-S-2-Blue-Grip-Strip-Crutch-Studio-1-clinicTenura Grip Strips

Similarly to cutlery grips, you can wrap grip strips around handles to improve your grasp on the object. The soft silicone is grip-enhancing, allowing you to get a proper hold of the item and reduce the risk of it slipping out of your hands.

You can use the grip strips on the items listed under cutlery grips, but you can also wrap the silicone around handles that wouldn't fit into cutlery grips. For example, you can wrap the silicone around the handles of walking aids like canes or rollators to improve your grip on the handle. You can wrap silicone strips around knives to ensure you have a safe and secure grip. When completing DIY tasks around the house, you may reach for a hammer or screwdriver, and these can be enhanced with the use of Tenura grip strips.

Tenura Grip Rolls

When carrying a briefcase, bucket or object by its handle, you use the hook grip. To make the grip more comfortable, wrap soft silicone around the handle, building up more of the silicone by wrapping it around a further few times to create a bigger handle and improve your comfort.

Your gardening hobby doesn't need to subside just because you have been experiencing dexterity or grip strength issues. You can wrap grip roll around your watering can, trowel or garden rake handles.


Why is Grip Strength Important?

You use the lateral pinch to unlock your home or a cupboard with a key. When playing sports like netball or basketball, you use a lumbrical grip. The types of grip we use are dependent on the situation and fall into two main categories, precision and power. Each grip by design allows you to make a precise action or a powerful movement.

A lack of grip strength can affect many tasks, for example, holding a toothbrush or grasping a knife to cut food. It can impact your ability to lift objects or hold wide bars such as grab rails. You may want to improve your ability to complete these tasks, so below we have detailed a few hand exercise recommendations that you could try. By doing these exercises daily for a short time, you can improve your hand grip and dexterity.


Hand Exercises to Improve Grip Strength

There are many exercises you can complete to help maintain your grip. So let's explore a few that are easy to do at home or on the go.

Squeeze a stress ball

This action uses the joints in your hand, flexing them and making them stronger - this movement helps with spherical grip

Pinch the stress ball

To practice and improve more dexterous movement, pinch the stress ball, using the pinch grip

Flex your wrists

Complete small circular motions and then get larger in rotation with each movement. It helps restore your joint mobility whilst also stretching your tendons and other parts of the joint

Thumb Circles

Similar to the above, you make a circling motion with your thumb and fingers, which can improve flexibility. This hand exercise can help you with many grips where the thumb is required, like cylindrical grips and lumbrical grips

Digit Stretch

Stretch your fingers and thumb out, then curl them into a fist, then repeat


We hope you have found this blog helpful. Please explore the Tenura products to find ways to improve daily tasks that require grip strength or mobility.

Parkinson’s Awareness Month 2022 and Discount Code

In this blog, we explore the history of Parkinson’s, giving advice surrounding the importance of this awareness month and how you can provide support and get involved. Lets make a difference…

A Brief History of Parkinson’s

Parkinsons Awareness Month Temporary Tattoo on HandsThe disease was first discovered by James Parkinson, who was an English surgeon. The disease was named after James and his work into its discovery. James Parkinson’s most famous work is Shaking Palsy, which became the foundation for understanding Parkinson’s. His principles were later refined and described by Jean-Martin Charcot and William Gowers. Their efforts helped create treatments and standardise the study.

Thanks to their work, we now have defined characteristics (Parkinsonisms) of Parkinson’s. For example, the loss of facial movements and reduced eye motion known as Hypomimia, or masked face and facial masking. Hypomimia can start as early as stage one and progress as the condition takes hold. It is a misconception that the first sign of Parkinson’s is a tremor, but difficulty sleeping and smaller than usual handwriting are more common.

Another misconception is that Parkinson’s only affects the older generation, but 137,000 people under the age of 50 have early-onset Parkinson’s, which equates to 0.2% of the population.

Parkinsons Awareness Month Start a Conversation Two people Talking About ParkinsonsTheir work shaped the specialist roles of healthcare staff that help those with Parkinson’s, which include:

  1. Physiotherapist
  2. Movement Disorder Specialist
  3. Occuaptional Therapist

Each of these key positions will help in different aspects of the person’s life, focusing on rehabilitation and support.

Ways to Support Your Loved One With Parkinson’s

Parkinsons Awareness Month 2021 KnowMorePDEducate Yourself and Teach Others

It’s essential to have a good understanding of the topic, allowing you to help those in your community or family who have the disease. You can be more considerate and provide better support when knowledgeable. 2021’s theme of Parkinson’s Awareness Day stressed the importance of #KnowMorePD.

Reach Out to Someone with Parkinson’s

Certain individuals with Parkinson’s can become closed off, so reaching out and checking up with them is crucial for their mental health.

Participate in Charity Events and Fundraising

Up and down the UK, there are many events held year-round that you can participate in to help spread information and raise awareness and money for this important cause. There are many fun ways to get involved, catering to various interests, from walks and runs to bake sales and coffee mornings.

Parkinsons Awareness Month 2018 How to Start a ConversationShare Information and Resources Around PD

2018’s theme for Parkinson’s Awareness Day, Start a Conversation, asked people to get involved in the observance day by spreading knowledge and information about the topic to inspire others to get involved. Speak to the community, your family, friends, neighbours, local businesses and healthcare teams.

Parkinsons Awareness Month 2019 KeyToPDGetting Tips On Parkinson’s Treatments

Parkinson’s Foundation 2019 theme stated that awareness is the ‘Key2PD’. They asked the community to share helpful tips to help those living with the disease. Knowing how others are coping independently with struggles associated with the disease can improve welfare. This information can help healthcare providers see trends in treatments. Make sure to go on social media and see the tweeted tips under the #Key2PD hashtag.

Parkinsons Awareness Month 2020 Plan4PDCreate Plans to Prepare for Parkinson’s Challenges

This plan is to help improve mindset and mental health, so plan items into the day that will inspire you, such as a walk or a phone call with a friend. If there are certain tasks around the home you need some help with, stick them on the calendar and see if friends or a professional could provide the help required. There’s no need to put off the task fully. Mark it on your calendar and plan for it, which helps to minimise stress. 2020’s theme, #Plan4PD, inspired this tip.

Find Products that Can Alleviate Issues

At Tenura, we have many helpful products for those with Parkinson’s. We listed some of the most common symptoms and some products that can provide help:


Tremors are uncontrollable shakes, often in the hands and fingers, making opening containers tricky. Having a silicone jar or bottle opener can make opening bottles and jars easier as well as providing a good grip on other objects like taps or doorknobs.



Impaired posture and balance can increase the risk of slips around the home. Placing a Tenura non-slip floor mat in areas where additional grip is required, such as a foothold near a sofa or at the side of a bed, can help reduce this risk.


Writing style changes, and with Parkinson’s, it often gets smaller due to more limited hand movements and the difficulty and pain of holding a thin pen or pencil. By increasing the width of the pen with a Tenura cutlery grip, you can make writing a more comfortable task for the person with Parkinson’s.


If you want to get involved in this year’s Parkinson’s Awareness Day, use the following hashtags:

  • #UniteF­or­Par­kinsons
  • #KnowMorePD
  • #Parkin­son­sA­ware­nes­sMonth
  • #Parkin­son­sA­wareness
  • #Together4PD

You can also get a 10% discount on the Tenura range, including the products above.

Parkinsons Awareness Month Discount Code 2022

The discount code is: PAM10, and will be valid for one month.