Tenura | Anti-slip and grip for independent living

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living aids

Innovating Safety with PVC and Phthalate-Free Products

On the news this week was an interesting article concerning dangerous phthalate use in cricket balls and that they have been pulled from distribution due to safety concerns.

All our disability aids are healthy alternatives to phthalate products. Our coasters, mats, jar openers, bottle openers and cutlery grips, are 100% phthalate free. When we created the Tenura brand and products, we wanted something that was the future and anticipated the movement towards a PVC-free and phthalate-free time. Although PVC is still the world’s third most popular plastic, there is a movement away from it. Apart from the Tenura range all of the gripping aids, mats and coasters seen on the market are simply cheap PVCs that are rammed with phthalates and plasticisers, the products that we commonly compete against cannot be used around children and cannot be used in states such as Oregon or California.

The high levels of phthalates and plasticisers provide the grip as the chemicals make the PVC soft (the ‘U’ in UPVC windows is ‘Unplas­ti­cised’, meaning that without the plasticisers then a PVC jar opener etc would be a hard solid lump of plastic), the plasticisers keep making the PVC soft until they eventually leave the product leaving it hard, or at least having no grip properties. The manufacturers will claim they are not PVC but ‘a unique plastic that does not exist anywhere else’; no, they are really cheap PVC products, and their grip comes from the phthalates. When a PVC feels grippy or has hold, it simply means that large amounts of phthalates are leaving the product and are they coated on your skin, which you then pass around, you touch your mouth, you touch your food and ingest them. The PVC films they mention are so restricted they cannot be around food or as mentioned, children due to safety. Yet companies still use and will dare not mention that they are PVCs with very high levels of phthalates. As mentioned the grip in competing materials comes from the phthalates leaving the PVC mat or coaster and then making it very soft. Eventually large quantities of the phthalates have left the PVC meaning that it no longer has sufficient grip, many of these phthalates will have left and passed to your skin.

Tenura does not have any of these problems. Tenura uses 100% PVC, phthalate and plasticiser free materials, our compounds can be used for children’s toys, around food, can be sold in all US states and are completely inert. Offering a wide range of PVC-free solutions for home safety!

If you want something that you know is 100% safe for you, your children and will continue functioning the same in years to come as it does from the start then the Tenura range is the only viable material.

What are the harmful effects of phthalates?

Phthalates, commonly found in various products, have been linked to various health concerns. Having regular exposure to phthalates has been associated with hormonal disruption, reproductive issues, developmental problems in children, and increased risk of asthma and other allergies. Additionally, some studies show a potential link between phthalate exposure and certain cancers. It's important to minimise exposure to phthalates, especially for pregnant women and young children. Opting for phthalate-free products like those offered by Tenura can help mitigate these risks.

Unlike competing products we are happy t provide certification, safety documentation, detailed data sheets (ones showing construction not simply avoiding what the plastic or referring to it as a ‘Trade secret’) and all information required. We are always happy to help.

Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis

There are things you can do to try and improve your well being and decrease the pain you may feel due to Arthritis. Staying active can help you to avoid stiffness in your joints and can also be a morale booster. Being out in the fresh air and underneath the warmth of the sun can provide many benefits for those who have Arthritis.

sunny day-activities for arthritis

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis in a handArthritis is a condition that tends to affect those who are part of the older generation this is often due to the natural wear and tear of material within joints. It does affect all ages and often impacts those who have been incredibly active throughout their childhood. Injury or infection can also increase your chance of Arthritis. Having said that, you should still exercise but do so on a flat, low impact ground that can absorb some of the force through the joints and help out to avoid falls. This can mean that the protective tissue within the joints has been worn away. It is beneficial to help decrease your risk of Arthritis and there are also certain activities you can do to relieve symptoms related to Arthritis.

Why is sunshine helpful to people with Arthritis?

Getting plenty of sunshine has been linked to a decreased risk of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. This long-term condition affects the joints and often causes pain, swelling and stiffness. Sunshine helps the body to synthesise Vitamin D. Vitamin D keeps bones healthy and the autoimmune system working. The autoimmune system is responsible for fighting off infections/­diseases. Sunshine for those who have Psoriatic Arthritis, they often see the clearing of patchy red skin associated with this condition. Psoriatic Arthritis affects some of those who have Psoriasis, which is a condition affected by the immune system. It is thought to be triggered by unusual immune responses and a sign of Psoriasis is red patches of skin near the affected joints.

Activities for people with Arthritis

There are all sorts of activities you can do in the sun. For people with Arthritis, it is important to keep in mind that pain may be experienced through some exercises, so it is essential to start slowly and get to know your bodies' limitations. You do not want to cause yourself further pain. Tenura has researched and found that the following activities reduce the risk of Arthritis and help improve the lives of those who have the condition.


Family on a walk in the sunWalking is an activity that can involve friends and family. You can visit new places and soak up the sunshine and fresh air. Walking is a great activity for people who have Arthritis, being sat still can cause the joint to stiffen up. Keeping muscles and tissue in the joints warm and limber and can allow the person to move easily without as much pain.

To make sure this is enjoyable and safe, you must wear trainers that fit and provide support for your ankle joints. A flat smooth surface such as a public footpath can also offer you more control over your movements and can help to avoid any accidental injury that could be caused. A walking stick or other daily living aids could be used to help you access more routes and offer an extra level of comfort and confidence. If you pair a walking aid with Tenura anti slip grip strips around the handle, additional comfort and support is offered and the handle will also have non slip properties.


Old couple doing yoga in the sunYoga is adaptable to each individual. As the body becomes comfortable with the movements, the person becomes more flexible and can gain a connection between the mind and the body. Yoga holds this connection at its core and it is said to help relieve and find the source of pain. It can also help you find ways to deal with the pain. The slow and calm breathing can be a source of pain relief and is a useful technique, according to Dr. Kolasinski, a Rheumatologist at the University of Pennsylvania. To make this a safe activity make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing, including trainers that offer ankle support. You may also want to invest in knee and elbow bands/braces that provide support too.

To reap the most benefits from yoga, you should focus on a mixture of muscle-strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises and balance exercises.

Family cycling in the sunCycling

Cycling is an accessible activity for people with Arthritis as less strain is put through the joints due to the mechanical structure of a bike. These kinds of low impact activities are perfect for active people with musculoskeletal conditionals.

Arthritis Aids

Explore the range of Tenura daily living aids to find products that can help you complete exercises with more stability and confidence. Many of the daily living aids can have a positive impact on your life and be a great Arthritis aid.

Arthritis Month + Discount Code

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints, causing them to be inflamed. It can make simple tasks painful. Over 10 million people in the UK have Arthritis, which means that many people are affected both directly and indirectly. Arthritis can be seen in all ages; however, it is more common for the condition to occur in people over 40.


A person with this condition may have impairment to their strength as they have restricted movement, which can make grasping objects difficult. It can be painful and movement is limited due to inflammation. Arthritis commonly affects a person's spine, hands, hips or knees. We see that these joints are the most affected as they are the most used during a person's life. Parts of the structure at these joints wear down through common use. It is the cartilage that has become thinner. The cartilages roll in the joint is to avoid the bones rubbing together, so it acts as a protection layer.

Arthritis Month Discount Code

Many of our products can aid a person who has Arthritis and has many benefits. Tenura’s daily living aid range has many benefits. This includes being dishwasher safe (withstanding temperatures of 250°C) and Antimicrobial (which helps prevent the spread of bacteria such as E-coli).

Discount-Code (1)

Bottle Opener and Jar Opener

Tenura Bottle openers and Jar openers make for a nifty gadget. They make opening and closing both jars and bottles easier. The smooth silicone makes for a comfortable surface to grasp and has excellent gripping properties, which means when you use the opener to twist off lids, the silicone effortlessly grips on to the lid, making it easier. The Tenura Bottle and Jar openers help reduce the amount of pressure put through the joints when opening a container.


Tenura Coasters can be used in unison with the Tenura Bottle and Jar openers, so you can open jars one-handed, which can be helpful if the Arthritis affects one hand more than the other. Tenura Anti-slip Coasters can be used for drinks and other objects such as ornaments to keep them held in place. The silicone has anti slip properties, which means that when an object is placed on the coaster, it will provide friction even if it is knocked, which helps avoid spills and avoid injury.

Floor Mats                           

Frequently, Tenura Floor mats are placed where a person goes from standing to a sitting position (or visa versa). It helps the user get a secure foothold, which aids them in standing. Often the mats are helpful for those who use a Zimmer frame, wheelchair or require additional help during sitting/­standing such as those with arthritis in their knees. Tenura Anti-slip Floor mats can provide an extra level of confidence as the person moves.

Table Mats

Tenura Anti-slip table mats help as objects such as a plate remain in place. It can be beneficial for people with Arthritis as the pressure can be focused on the cutlery as the dish doesn't move whilst eating. When using the table mat/coaster in conjunction with the bottle opener, a person can twist off a lid, one-handed.


Arthritis Month Discount Code

To claim the 10% discount, use the code AMUK20 at checkout (The code will be valid for May). Enjoy our discounted Daily living aids and have a great Arthritis Awareness Month.

Follow the hashtags #Arthritis and #ArthritisMonth to stay up to date with the Arthritis Awareness Month campaign and share your own stories with others.

Discount-Code (1)

Other great blogs

Did you know it is also Mobility Month in May? You can read about Mobility Disabilities and how we are participating in the observances and how you can too.

Do you want to stay entertained during self isolation? We have some fun puzzles for you to complete in our Brain Trainer Puzzles blog.

Mobility Month May + Discount Code

Man-on-crutchesIn the UK, there are 13.9 million disabled people, which equates to more than 1 in 5. Of course, not all disabilities affect mobility and when people think of mobility disability, they tend to think of those who require a wheelchair. In the UK, less than 8% of the population require a wheelchair. Mobility disabilities could include impairment to your limbs or spine or another part of the body that affects movement, grip and strength.

Mobility Month Discount Code

To help support those who are affected by a mobility disability, we have created a 10% off discount code for you to use at checkout today. We hope the Tenura living aids we have selected for the discount can be of help to yourself or someone you are supporting who has a disability.

Living Aids for People with Mobility Disabilities

Jar and Bottle Openers

Tenura silicone jar openers and bottle openers help you twist-off lids on jars or bottles. They also reduce the strain put on muscles, which is essential for those who have impairment to their strength. Save 10% off with the discount code AMUK20 today.


Tenura coasters are small mats you can use for drinks and other objects such as ornaments to keep them held in place. The silicone has anti slip properties, which means that when an object is placed on the coaster it won’t move with ease even if it is knocked, it doesn’t slip, which helps you to avoid spills and avoid injury.

Floor Mats

Frequently, we see the anti slip floor mats placed where a person goes from standing to a sitting position and visa versa. It helps the user get a foothold, which aids them in standing. Often the Tenura anti slip floor mats are helpful for those who use a Zimmer frame, wheelchair or require additional help during sitting/­standing. It can provide an extra level of confidence as the person moves.

Table Mats

Tenura anti slip table mats help as objects such as a plate remain in place. It can be beneficial for people with mobility issues as the pressure can be used when eating with cutlery as the dish doesn’t move as they eat. When you use the anti slip table mat in conjunction with the bottle opener/jar opener a person can twist off a lid, one-handed.

Developments to Mobility for the Disabled

Game developers and console creators in the gaming industry are continually developing alternative products that are inclusive to those who have disabilities. There are many adaptive technologies available on the market and some that are in development. It is very encouraging and great to see as the world is getting more and more accessible for those with disabilities, which is important to their well being.

Making sure that someone with a mobility disability feels like they are being supported. More places in the UK are becoming accessible. A great guide to help people find places to visit is Euan’s Guide. This is a website that reviews events and locations in terms of their accessibility.

Technology is continuously developing to help those with disabilities. But for your day to day living the Tenura range can be a great help. That is why we have chosen to give you a 10% discount code for you to use at checkout today.

Girl-in-a-wheelchairCaring for those with a Mobility

Training can be a great help when you are taking care of those who have a mobility disability. Of course, you can find lots of information on the internet, but make sure you use reliable sources such as the NHS website. Both allow you to develop knowledge of disabilities and how to address and help people who have limited mobility.

Mobility Month Discount Code

To claim the 10% discount, use the code AMUK20 at checkout (The code will be valid for the month of May). Enjoy our discounted living aids and have a great Mobility Awareness Month.

Follow the hashtags #Disabi­lity­Awa­reness and #MobilityMonth to stay up to date with the Mobility Awareness Month campaign and share your own stories with others.

You can connect with us on our social media platforms:

Facebook  Twitter  Instagram

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Brain Trainer Puzzles - Self Isolation Fun

Old-Person-doing-puzzlesAs an alternative to the Self Isolation Activities: Stay Active blog. In this blog, we discuss the benefits of brain trainer puzzles on the brain and how some of the Tenura range can be a great living aid when passing the time with puzzles. We have created a downloadable PDF full of our favourite brain trainer puzzles for you to have a go at as well as some links to other sites where you can continue to train your brain.

Brain Trainer Puzzle Benefits

There can be many benefits to brain trainer puzzles. They are a great way to pass the time during self isolation. They can improve your working memory as many puzzles entail this skill, they make you think and require knowledge on topics you may not have at the forefront of your mind (Crosswords are a great example of this). Puzzles often get you to think logically, which can be beneficial when problem solving in the real world. A methodical approach can make problems seem easier as they can be broken down into a list of steps/rules (Sudoku is an excellent example of this).

Download Puzzles and Answers

At Tenura we have created a PDF with our favourite puzzles. There is also an answer PDF available to download. Please print off the puzzle PDF to have a bit of fun during self isolation.

Puzzles PDF

Puzzle Answers PDF

Living Aids to help with Brain Trainer Puzzles

cutlery-grip-pen-2-minCutlery Grips – Writing Aid

Tenura cutlery grips allow you to slide a pen into the opening to use as a writing or drawing aid. They provide the user with a larger area to grasp. It is important for anyone with an impairment to their strength of grip. The cutlery grips add weight to the pen, which can help give the user more control when writing.



Table Mat – Living Aid

Tenura silicone anti slip mats create a hold that will keep your puzzle book or paper in place. For those who have impairments to their strength or grip, you do not need to keep the puzzle in place with your hand.

12-Blue Cup Holder-minCup Holder – Drinking Aid

Stay hydrated during your puzzle time. A brew or cup of tea may be what helps you concentrate and if so, the Tenura Cup Holder can be an excellent drinking aid. With the larger surface area base, a drink is less likely to get spilled without the broader base is easier to knock and cause spillages, which in turn could cause injury such as burns.

.Good Brain Trainer Resources

Old Man doing puzzlesHere are some other places that you can find more brain trainer puzzles:

  • Newspapers and Magazines
  • Puzzle books (order online as book stores aren’t currently open in the UK)
  • Create your own
  • Internet
    • www.­brain­tra­inin­gpuzzle.­co.­uk
Posted in Uncategorized and tagged puzzle, brain trainer, living aids, living aid on .

Parkinson's Awareness Week 2020

What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson’s is the most common type of Parkinsonism, which is an umbrella term for nervous system disorders. The nervous system is made up of cells and nerves around the body and is used for the transmission of signals. Signals tell muscles and the body to behave in a certain way. When damage or nerve cell loss occurs, the transmissions are disrupted, leading to slow and abnormal movements.

It is unknown what causes the loss of nerve cells. Parkinson’s gradually develops and the first sign is often tremoring in the hands. Other symptoms follow and include slow movement, rigid muscles and impaired posture or balance.

What is Parkinson’s Awareness Week?

Parkinson’s Awareness Week will take place from the 5th to the 11th of April. It is not just about spreading awareness but educating people on the effect that Parkinson’s can have as it is a daily struggle and affects people’s quality of life. It affects one in every five-hundred people in the UK, which amounts to 145,000 people. Every hour in the UK, two people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s. A big part of the awareness week is the charity and fundraising side as this aids finding a cure.

Parkinson’s Aids and Discount Code


In addition to raising awareness, Tenura have released a discount code. The code (PAW20) can be used to redeem a 10% discount on selected daily living aids from the Tenura range that we believe can improve the quality of life for a person living with Parkinson’s disease. We have chosen the following products.

Cutlery-GripsTenura Cutlery Grips

Tenura cutlery grips are a great kitchen aid. They allow a person with impairments to strength or grip, hold utensils with ease. The increased surface area of the handle enables a person with Parkinson’s disease to grasp cutlery and live a more independent life. A larger handle means less movement and mobility is required. A sign of Parkinson’s is that your writing style changes; it reduces in size due to it becoming uncomfortable to write and the reduction in mobility. Our cutlery grips offer comfort and aid in writing and eating.



Tenura Anti slip floor mat

Tenura Anti slip mats can be a great help to someone with Parkinson’s tremors. The tremors can make movement difficult. Having an anti slip mat on the floor when standing can be of help as it provides a level of confidence as well as a surface that allows them to have a firm foothold when standing.



Tenura CupCaps

Having hands that tremor uncontrollably can lead to spillages when drinking. Applying a CupCap to any can, glass or mug helps to keep the contents contained. By design, they are easy to use and perfect for the job. CupCaps are antimicrobial, thus helping to reduce the spread of germs.


Cup-Holder-minTenura Cup Holder

A Tenura cup holder used in unison with a CupCap, gives a person with Parkinson’s the best chance at avoiding spillages and breakages. The Tenura cup holder provides an increased surface area to the base of any drink, making it stable and catches any drips. Tenura cup holders are easy to use and dishwasher safe (withstanding temperatures up to 250°).



jar-opener-copy-300x300Tenura Jar Opener and Bottle Opener

Your mobility is affected by Parkinson’s disease which makes simple tasks, difficult. It also affects your muscles, making them rigid (stiff). These symptoms can make opening twist-off lids fatiguing. Tenura silicone jar opener allows the user to twist off lids on large containers effortlessly. The Tenura silicone bottle openers work for smaller containers but also aid with turning taps, doorknobs and opening pill bottles, as they are versatile.

Parkinson’s Symptoms

Parkinson’s has the following symptoms (There are over 40 in total)

  • Tremor (In hands, feet or legs)
  • Slowed movement (Throughout the body and even affects facial expressions)
  • Rigid muscles (Stiffness that leads to a lack of mobility)
  • Impaired posture or balance (Affected by the latter symptom. Occurring in the late stages of Parkinson’s)
  • Loss of automatic movements (Like blinking or smiling)
  • Speech changes (The muscles in the face are affected which can make speaking tricky)
  • Writing changes (The size of the writing decreases as the movement becomes increasingly uncomfortable)

If you believe yourself or a family member has Parkinson’s disease, talk to them and seek advice from a doctor or the NHS website. Daily living aids can be of help to those close to you and aid them in achieving an independent lifestyle.

Parkinson’s Awareness Week Discount Code


To claim the 10% discount, use the code PAW20 at checkout (The code will be valid all month). Enjoy our discounted living aids and have a great Parkinson’s awareness week.

Follow the hashtags #UniteF­or­Par­kinsons and #WorldPar­kin­son­sDa­y2020 to stay up to date with the Parkinson's Week campaign and share your own stories with others.


Coronavirus Update: We are open!

The Coronavirus is affecting everyone and everything globally but be assured: Tenura is still up and running. This means that we are contactable via customer services and we are manufacturing and delivering living aids worldwide.

We currently are offering our customers a discount code on our entire daily living aids range. You can redeem 10% off your purchase at checkout with the code COV19. We hope these aids can be a benefit to you or your loved one's life.


We are following all guidelines the government has been issuing over the past months. Many of our staff are currently working remotely to keep them safe and well during this trying time.

The Tenura range of daily living aids are treated with silver nitrate - this means that Tenura daily living aids are antimicrobial (microbes are small organisms such as bacteria). The silicone living aids range, along with good personal hygiene, can help protect you from the spread of microorganisms. Personal hygiene is always important, but during this Coronavirus pandemic, it is paramount. So you must wash your hands with soap and water and keep to social distancing guidelines. This Coronavirus needs to be taken seriously, and as time passes, people are putting in measures to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Daily living aids can be a massive help in the home, especially now many are isolated and spending the vast majority of their day inside. You do not want to be struggling with menial tasks when there are bigger things to think about. Our daily living aids range can make a big difference in the quality of life of those persons who require additional aid.

Helpful living aids to improve your home during isolation:Grip-Strips-Small-min

  • Anti-slip grip strips are perfect for use around the home. They instantly transform any surface into an anti-slip surface allowing the user to achieve a firm grip, or, apply the strips by wrapping them around the handle of any handheld items. A great example is on the handles of cooking equipment, such as pans.
  • Part of the Tenura range makes for great eating aids. Our antimicrobial table mats can help to stop the spread of disease, as well as keep plates and other crockery stable, leading to fewer breakages and spillages at mealtimes. Our bottle openers and jar openers can also be of help, making removing lids easy for all. Tenura cutlery grips are perfect for those who have impairments to strength of grip. The widened handles and comfortable silicone make them a great addition to any mealtime.table-mat,-jar-opener-and-cutlery-grips-min
  • Cup-Holder-minOur drinking aids include the Cup Holder and the CupCap. The Cup Holder provides a firm, stable base for any drink. The increased surface area keeps the drink stable, and all drips are caught in the base of the Cup Holder. The CupCap is a silicone cover that is easy to apply to the rim of any drink container such as a glass, mug or can. This stops debris, and other contaminants entering the drink but also prevents the liquid from escaping if knocked over.

We are offering you a unique discount code to redeem on our site to save 10% on the Tenura living aid range. They can be of great help to all, simply redeem the code COV19 at checkout.

It is, of course, very important that we see if there is anyone in our neighborhood or through local services we can be of help to. Those who are elderly or live on their own will be struggling through this in solitude. Please see if there is anyone you know you can help out. This may be as simple as picking up some shopping for them or participating in a local helpline for those who are vulnerable during this period. We all have to work together to get over this pandemic.

For those who distribute and resell the Tenura living aid range, you can take advantage of our dropshipping service. Dropshipping is a simple solution for companies that have a limited amount of storage. You can purchase our daily living aids products and have them stored at our warehouse. As an order is placed on your e-commerce site, send us the relevant details via email so we can ship the requested living aids out to the customer on your behalf.

For the next three weeks (27th March - 19th April), you can redeem the discount code COV19 to save 10% on Tenura daily living aids. All orders over £50 are eligible for free shipping (mainland UK only). 


Posted in Tenura Updates and tagged coronavirus, living aids, living aid, eating aid, drinking aid on .

Charity Fun Runs 2020

Wheelchair-graphicCharity Fun Runs are a great way to support a cause that you wish to donate. Prepare for the run to avoid injury and get friends involved; it provides a fantastic reason to start getting fit and into a healthy lifestyle. Train and raise money together to make the most out of your fun run. There are lots of types of charity runs out there. If you are extremely competitive and have an incredibly high fitness level, you may opt for a marathon. But if you want the more fun side of things, the Colour Run is a great place to start. If you don't mind getting covered in mud, there are lots of those around too.

Runs are a great way to get involved with a charity that means a lot to you. Many of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another. We can become a collective, run and donate for those who may be fighting the battle. Therefore, making the Race For Life run all that more special and a necessary time to reflect.


Rough Runner

Have you ever watched Total Wipeout, Ninja Warrior or Takeshi's Castle? Well, now it is your turn to tackle the only TV game show-inspired obstacle course. There are three levels of challenges, so there is something to suit your fitness level. There is a kid's zone so you can complete the course without worrying about your little one. Again, get sponsorships and donate to charities that mean something to you. There are six locations with a total of seventeen runs around the south of the UK there are various dates available from April 17th to October 4th. If you are interested, please look for a run suitable for you. I can't wait to see you tackle something similar to the Big Red Balls.

Website: https://­roughrunner.­com/



Tough Mudder

This fun run is more of a challenging obstacle course, packed with ice, ropes, walls and team-building exercises, leading to mud-caked mayhem. This run is team-orientated, so do not worry if you get stuck, your brilliant Tough Mudder companions will help you out. Seek sponsors to donate to a cause that is close to your heart. Fifteen runs are going on throughout the year from April 17th till September 10th, so if this sounds like the charity run for you, sign up!

Website (https://­toughmudder.­co.­uk/)



Cancer Research UK (Race For Life + more)

This charity hosts lots of runs throughout the year in which you can take part. From a 5K (3.1 miles) run to marathons (26.2 miles) and even ultramarathons, if you want to take on a bigger challenge. Many of us in the UK know somebody who has suffered from this disease and therefore, it is a really important cause. You can walk the marathon if preferred and you can always bring a friend for extra support and to help raise more money for this worthwhile cause. Your friends can even have four legs in some of their races, yes that's right, you can bring along your dog (Hosted in Stevenage 03/5/20 + more).

Website (https://­www.­cancer­rese­archuk.­org/­get-involved)




The first-ever accessible fun run has been set up for all to participate but is inclusive for those persons who are disabled or have a lack of mobility. This charity fun run started back in 2015 and has been growing year on year. It’s held at Windsor Great Park. A partner to the organised race is Super Sensory 1km meaning your sense of taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight will all go on this fun run too, I wonder what is in store for runners this year. There is also a Festival of Inclusivity to attend, full of zones in which you can eat, meet new people and try something new. The event has a wheelchair football court, family zones and more. Sign up and race on the 28/06/20.

Website (https://­www.­paral­lel­lif­es­tyle.­com/)


Trinity Hospice

Trinity Hospice Night Run is a local run near the Tenura head office and is in the heart of Blackpool, taking place under the famous Blackpool Illuminations. How fantastic is that! The charity run is in support of Brian House Children's Hospice and will be taking place on 02/09/20.

Website (https://­www.­trinityhospice.­co.­uk/­our-events/­detail/­night-run/)



The Colour Run

This charity fun run is also named "The happiest 5K on the planet". Now, if that doesn't make you get involved, then perhaps the lively atmosphere, a big release of endorphins and being covered in the paint might? The Colour Run has seen over 7 million people participate in over 40 countries. Their mission is to bring people together and make the world a happier, healthier place. You can get your friends, family, work colleagues and more to support you and help you to raise money and awareness for a cause close to your heart. There are 4 Colour Runs this year around the UK, so pick one and get involved.

05/09/20 Cardiff 12/09/20 Manchester 19/09/20 London 26/09/20 Leeds

Website (https://­thecolorrun.­co.­uk/)                                                      


Seen an event you would like to get involved in? You can sign up to any race via their website. There is a fee that helps towards the cost of the event and a portion of it is donated to charity if the fun run is similar to those held by Cancer Research UK.

If you get involved, please tag us in your social media posts about the event, so we can help celebrate your success. We can’t wait to see what you get up to and how much fun you’ve had!

Your Frequently Asked Questions Are Answered!

We thought we would answer your FAQ’s to make sure you are fully informed to make the right decision regarding purchasing aids like Tenura’s range.

Who is Tenura?  

Tenura is a brand that manufacturers and sells products to help complete small daily tasks. Tenura products are designed with the disabled and elderly in mind but are perfect for anyone, especially those wanting to continue living independently.

What are your Opening Times?


Opening Times

Closing Times

Monday to Thursday 08:30 17:30
Friday 08:30 17:00
Weekends Closed Closed

Please note, bank holidays and other public holidays may differ from the times above. For specific holiday dates, subscribe to our blog and be the first to know.

What makes Tenura’s Living Aids the best on the market?

The products are made from silicone and are Non-Toxic. These qualities make them great for any food preparation areas like kitchens. When using our Tenura anti-slip mats, the kitchen can be kept more hygienic due to the easy to wipe down the surface of silicone and its antimicrobial properties. It is an essential feature of our products as they are targeted towards children, the disabled, and the elderly who are more vulnerable and less immune to diseases. So, keeping a tidy, clean kitchen is paramount to their health. Another great use of the anti-slip mats includes placing them under chopping boards to avoid unwanted movement, and our anti-slip coasters keep your drink from being knocked over due to the silicones' grippy surface.

We also have been in the industry for over 20 years, so we know our stuff!

Are Tenura products suitable for me?

If you have difficulty grasping items due to a condition such as arthritis, then Tenura products can be incredibly useful in your daily life. We have things that can help you at home, your office or when out and about. You can explore the Tenura range on our website.

Our products are the best on the market and have unrivalled quality and benefits. For example, our products are microwave and dishwasher safe, but sadly our competitors can’t say the same.

Tenura products boast the following properties:

  • Non-toxic
  • 100% silicone
  • Antimicrobial
  • We don’t use cost-saving chemicals

What are Tenura’s Daily Living Aids made from, and why?

Tenura’s Daily Living Aid range is 100% silicone, which means that the products are non-toxic (as chemically inert), washable and dishwasher safe. Due to the gripping properties of the silicone, you are less likely to cause spillages or harm to yourself when using these products in conjunction with chopping boards or as a coaster as items placed on the anti-slip mat/coaster will move less compared to an ordinary counterpart.

cutlery-grip-2The anti-slip mats help prevent injury especially if you chose a suitable colour to indicate a message. Many of our customers choose red mats to highlight that the area could be hot and may require extra attention. Our yellow mats tend to be used in conjunction with the message that the products placed on the mats are general items a person doesn’t want to lose. Such things could include glasses or hearing aids. These non-slip mats are also the most visible in low light areas. Finally, the blue silicone products lend themselves to bedrooms and living rooms. The colour blue is calming and helps to provide contrast to lighter surfaces like wooden furniture or white tiles. If you like to know more about this, you can read our Highlight Objects & Hazards with Tenura Daily Living Aids blog.

Other great features of our silicone living aids is there very high-temperature threshold of 250°C and the fact they are very difficult to rip/tear. Again, this makes them perfect for the kitchen but also hotter work environments such as working with cars and hot power tools. By placing hot power tools on a red anti-slip mat, it indicates a warning to others that those tools may be hot. It also protects the surface on which the mat has been placed and stops the power tools being knocked over or moved as easily. Use the anti-slip mats in combination with our anti-slip grip strips on your work tools to allow you to complete a task without as much strain on joints. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also apply our Tenura grip strips in medical practices or offices or to door handles, crutches and more, as they are safe to use anywhere.

What makes Tenura’s Daily Living Aids Antimicrobial?

To make our silicone products antimicrobial, we add a small percentage mix of Silver Nitrate. Silver has been used in the medical industry for years and can be found in wound dressings, creams and as a coating on medical devices. The silver used in our silicone products is toxic to bacteria, along with some algae and fungi. However, it is not toxic to us. Making our products fantastic for uses in kitchens, medical practices and for vulnerable people who are prone to diseases. To learn more about this, you can read our blog on how Rubber Bath Toys Are A Haven For Bacteria. It is also worth noting that Tenura’s products do not feature toxic, cost-saving chemicals or substances, like phthalate plasticisers, that are banned or restricted in some parts of the EU and USA.

In accordance with article 58 of the BPR, this article has been treated with a biocidal product. Silver nitrate (CAS 7761-88-8) has been added to create antimicrobial properties.

Do you have any product demonstration videos that show how to use your products?

We have a plethora of videos, and they are on our YouTube channel, you can also view them on the Videos tab on the Tenura website.

Do you offer bespoke/­customisable Living Aids for resellers and distributors?

custom-packagingYes, we do! If you are looking at becoming a reseller or distributor of Tenura Daily Living Aids, we have plenty to offer you. Firstly, we can print full-colour brochures. We can also provide you with a full Photo Download Suite for you to access our images to use within your marketing campaign, whether they are printed or digital, like a Daily Living Aid Catalogue.

We can also custom manufacture our Daily Living Aids to be in keeping with your companies branding. The packaging can also be branded to suit your criteria. We can match the colours of our products to any Pantone or RAL references. If you have limited storage at your facility, we can also offer a drop shipping service. If you are looking at becoming a reseller or distributor of Tenura Daily Living Aids, please contact us to request free samples of our products so you can see the high-quality living aids for yourselves.

Why do you show the price with and without VAT?

Certain people are exempt from paying VAT on some of our products. If you are chronically ill or disabled and the products are for personal use, you are tax exempt. Charities can also claim for VAT exemption if they make the Living Aids purchased available for use at disabled persons home or other domestic use.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for VAT exemption, see our webpage on VAT Exemption, consult Notice 701/7 VAT reliefs for disabled people or contact HM Revenue & Customs National Advice Service on 0845 010 9000 before signing the declaration. Also, please note that the non-slip fabric and the Tenura extreme mat, as well as our anti-slip shower stickers, are not eligible for VAT exemption.

Can I buy on behalf of someone else and still have the VAT deducted?

If you are buying for a person who is VAT exempt (find out if you are by reading “Why do you show the price with and without VAT?”), then you can purchase on behalf of that individual as long as you can provide the correct information that is required. You will need to fill out a VAT exemption form whilst registering for an account or during checkout. Once the form is submitted, all purchases from your account will VAT exempt. For more information on VAT Exemption, please visit our webpage on VAT Exemption.

What payment methods do you accept?

There are seven payment methods we accept they are as follows:

Paypal-logo   Visa-logo   Mastercard-logo-2    eMaestro-logo

Please note that we accept both debit and credit cards for both Visa and Mastercard.

What is non-slip material and how does it work?

It’s complicated. Silicones are synthetic polymers (a long chain of repeated molecules). The bond between the Silicon and the Oxygen is stronger than the Carbon-Carbon bond. Meaning it has stable thermal stability (resistance to mixing), so they are great for environments that are hotter or the organic equivalent (Silicon) would decompose. The properties of the silicone can be changed by substituting organic chemical groups for other chemical groups (such as the methyl group) and cross-linking. This change is what can make silicone properties change. Properties that can be affected are the flexibility, water repellence, and its solubility (dissolvable). Some of these qualities directly correlate to coefficients of friction (levels of grip).

What are the dimensions of your Daily Living Aids?

Silicone Jar & Bottle Openers

Silicone Bottle Opener 6cm diameter
Silicone Jar Opener 12cm diameter

Anti-Slip Table & Floor Mats from Tenura

Silicone Anti-Slip Mats Small: 25.5cm x 18.5cm Medium: 35.5cm x 25.5cm Large: 45.5 x 38.5cm, 1.5mm in thickness
Anti-Slip Children's Table Mats 30cm x 25cm, 1.5mm thickness
Silicone Anti-Slip Floor Mat 60cm x 45cm, 1.5mm thickness

Anti-Slip Coasters and Cup Holders

Silicone Circular Anti-Slip Coaster Available in 14cm and 19cm diameter, 1.5mm thickness
Silicone Square Anti-Slip Coasters (Pack of 4) 9cm x 9cm,1.5mm material thickness
Silicone Anti-Slip Cup Holder 9cm diameter

Cutlery Grips

Anti-Slip Cutlery Grips (Pack of 2) 12.5cm cutlery grips, with widths of 37mm
Anti-Slip Children's Cutlery Grips (Pack of 2) 9.8cm cutlery grips, with widths of 17mm


CupCaps (Pack of 2) 6cm and 8cm diameter CupCaps

Grip Strips & Rolls

Anti-Slip Grip Strips 1m x 2cm, with a material thickness of 0.5mm
Anti-Slip Grip Roll Available in sizes 1m x 2cm, 1m x 20cm, 1m x 30cm, 2m x 30cm, 2m x 40cm, 9m x 20cm, 9m x 40cm, with widths of 0.5mm
Self-Adhesive Anti-Slip Silicone Reel 1m x 20cm, with a width of 0.5mm

Extreme Grip Mats

Tenura Extreme Grip Mat 20cm x 20cm, a thickness of 3.5mm

Non-Slip Fabric

Non-Slip Fabric 50cm x 182cm, the fabric thickness is 2.66mm

Anti-Slip Bathroom Products

Aqua Safe Anti-Slip Bath and Shower Stickers Available in rolls consisting of approx 30 strips (200mm x 20mm) or 72 circles (40mm)

Can I leave a product review?

We would love to hear your feedback. There are two ways you can leave us a review, firstly for specific product-related ones you can choose to leave a review on the Tenura website, to do this you need to navigate to the product page you are reviewing and click the “reviews” tab. Enter in your data then click “Send”.

Alternatively, you can submit a review via reviews.io. A prompt to do so will arrive in your email inbox a few days after you’ve made a purchase.

I have an idea for a new product, how can I submit my idea to Tenura?

It’s fantastic when great minds get together, so please share your ideas with us. The best way to do this is to tag us in a social post on any of the platforms we use. We would be exceptionally impressed by any prototypes you’ve produced and will share the inspiration with the world, you never know, it may become a part of the Tenura range.

Where can I find more information regarding Tenura and their products?

You can find out more information by visiting our blogs page, which is packed full of helpful content on our products, services, upcoming events, and more. By subscribing to Tenura’s newsletter, you will receive the latest news and exclusive deals. We are also offering subscribers a 10% discount off their next purchase.

How do I contact Tenura?

You can get in touch in a few ways, for instance, call us (on +441254 832266), use the contact us form, or connect with us via our socials (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn).

Tenura Rubber Mats As Visual Aids in the Home

Tenura Yellow Rubber Anti-Slip Mat as a Visual Aids

Tenura anti-slip rubber mats are superb as a non-slip surface. The three bright colours available are great for those who have sight impairments. The non-slip rubber mats can be an effective visual aid to place objects on, making them easier to find.

The main range of Tenura daily living aids is available in three vivid shades; bold blue, royal red and a sunny yellow, so they will stand out from most homes décor. The varying sizes of the mat allow you to cover a small area like a bedside table or a large area, such as a dining table. This will make daily tasks, such as locating all your essential everyday items, much easier.

Tenura anti-slip mats are 100% silicone. The anti-slip mats offer excellent non-slip qualities and are versatile, so they can be used on tables and worktops to provide purchase for objects placed on its surface. Tenura anti-slip mats are non-toxic, so they can be used in areas that require a high standard of hygiene like a kitchen or for use within the care sector. An additional feature that makes the anti-slip mats suitable is the antimicrobial properties that protect against mould, fungi and a wide range of bacteria.

In addition to these benefits, Tenura anti-slip mats are dishwasher safe (can withstand temperatures up to 250°C). They are also non-toxic, as they do not contain phthalate plasticisers which can be harmful to humans.

Use Tenura anti-slip table mats and coasters during meals. The non-slip properties help you to avoid spillages, breakages and injury. The colours can help highlight the objects or risks imposed by the object placed on the anti-slip mats, for instance, if you placed a hot cooking pot on a red table mat. It can be an indicator to others in the room that the pot is hot. We also have anti-slip children’s mats available which are perfect for playtime and mealtime. Due to being made from silicone, they are also incredibly easy to wipe down.

Another popular use for Tenura non-slip table mats is to place them under a chopping board. This prevents unwanted movement of the chopping board whilst it is in use. If the chopping board moves, it could cause injury. There are three sizes of table mat available. Tenura also manufactures anti-slip floor mats. The anti-slip floor mats are a great daily living aid and are often placed where a person goes from a standing to a sitting position or vice versa. The Tenura non-slip floor mat offers purchase allowing the user to get a firm foothold when moving from either of these positions.

Connect with us on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) to show us how you are putting Tenura anti-slip mats into use around your home, office or care home.